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Learn How to Get Reviews From Satisfied Customers

When you’ve got an amazing product or spectacular service, you’d naturally expect glowing reviews to follow. However, being the best in your field sometimes isn’t enough. Customers are more likely to take the time to leave a bad review than a good one, which means that even great companies will have a disproportionately high number of bad reviews. That means if you want more good reviews than bad, odds are you’re going to have to ask for them. Here are some of the best ways to get reviews from customers for your company. 

Why Reviews Are Important

Customer reviews can be a great source of feedback for companies, but that’s not all they’re good for. Customers rely heavily on the reviews of others when deciding what companies to buy from. This is especially true for things that customers can’t examine themselves before buying, such as any type of service, food or products purchased online. Because so many consumers search online before making major (or even minor) purchases, figuring out how to encourage customers to leave reviews is an important part of marketing your business. 

Even if not all of your reviews are five star, simply having a greater number of reviews adds legitimacy to your company. For example, on shopping platforms like Amazon, products with less than 10 reviews are not going to get the same consideration as products with a thousand or more, even if all of those reviews are five stars. So, if you don’t have a lot of reviews online for your business, now is the time to start asking! 

3 Ways to Get Customer Reviews

1. Great Customer Service

If you’ve ever read through reviews of other companies, you may notice that a lot of customers leave good reviews when they’ve had a good customer service experience. Having stellar customer service not only saves you from bad reviews, but good reviews about your customer service can also encourage customers to take a chance on your company. This is especially useful for companies selling supplements and other medical products, as these types of products generally won’t work the same for every customer. 

You don’t have to wait for customers to try your products, either. You can dazzle them with your amazing customer service from the moment they first interact with your company. Whether that means keeping allergen information handy at your restaurant, offering a CSR chat feature on your website or even just having a responsive email where customers can send questions, all these things make for a great customer service experience that any customer can rave about in their reviews. 

2. Raffles and Rewards

You’re likely to have already seen these sorts of promotions on social media: ‘Like and comment for a chance to win!’ But this tactic can get you more than just likes, as it’s actually a great method of obtaining customer feedback. Include instructions in your packaging on how to leave a review in exchange for the chance to win a prize, or add the instructions to your customers’ receipts. Prizes can vary from free or discounted products and services, promotional merchandise such as branded pens, promotional drinkware, branded bags or really just about anything your budget can stretch to. If you’re not interested in running a raffle, a simple discount code can also be a great reward.  

Tip: If you need ideas for some creative prizes and free gifts, check out our blog on gifts with purchase to grab attention and increase sales

3. ‘Try For Free’ Promotions

One way to guarantee a review is to reach out to potential customers with a deal that’s too good to refuse. Give them a free product or service in exchange for an honest review. This is a great way to get more reviews from customers, and it will typically result in much more detailed reviews as well. Even if the customer in question doesn’t give you five stars, hearing about your product from another customer gives potential customers more confidence when trying your goods or services themselves. Do you want to know more about the potential of word of mouth? Don’t miss our blog post! 

If you want the best quality reviews, reach out to customers through a product testing service. Customers that sign up for product testing are already prepared to try all sorts of goods and services for thorough reviews, and often with pictures included. While this won’t make up the bulk of your reviews, in-depth reviews like these are the key to turning shrewd and sceptical consumers into future customers. 

How to Ask for a Review

While special prizes and incentives can go a long way in building up your online reviews, just asking should be a major part of your approach as well. Start by putting your requests close to where you want your reviews. For example, if you want more company reviews on your Facebook page, post about it! Customers are more likely to post Facebook reviews if they’re reminded to do so while already on Facebook. It doesn’t have to be awkward or forceful, either. Just like YouTubers will ask their fans to like, comment, and subscribe at the end of their videos, you can casually ask your followers to leave reviews when you post on your social media. Have we already asked you to like and subscribe to our Facebook and YouTube pages? Please check and follow us! 

However, if you’re trying to figure out how to get more Google reviews, or reviews on your own site, the best way to ask for reviews is to follow up with customers directly. Email your customers after your products have been delivered to their home or after they’ve had services carried out. Home repair companies can leave flyers at the homes of customers, and restaurants can put up QR codes like functional pieces of abstract art near the entrance and in bathrooms. After you get a great review, don’t forget to say thanks! 

Mistakes to Avoid

Of course, asking too often or in the wrong way can be just as likely to get you bad reviews as good, so it’s important to be tactful in how you approach your customers and employ some clever ways to ask for reviews. For example, if a customer doesn’t leave a review after you have called or emailed them with a follow-up once, don’t go spamming their inbox with more requests. One request per purchase should be plenty, unless you’re following up to offer an incentive for an honest review.  

Speaking of honest reviews, make sure that you aren’t offering incentives or free product testing for only good reviews. If customers find out any of your reviews are biased, you’ll lose their trust entirely. It’s better to have a variety of honestly good and bad reviews than to have false reviews.  

Finally, don’t let bad reviews bring out the worst in you. Even if someone is just posting a bad review to troll your company, roasting them back will only make you look bad. Instead, focus on building up enough good reviews through excellent business practices so that the bad reviews will look like outliers to your customers. 

Customer reviews are a major part of doing business in today’s market, but even the most amazing companies aren’t going to get the most reviews by good business alone. Take the time to reach out to your customers, whether with prizes or simply some sneakily placed QR codes. Do some research into the methods other companies in your industry are using as well so you can better understand how to get reviews for your business.  

If you want to learn more tips that will help your business grow, check out our blog


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